Bunny Bonding
A Guide to Bunny Bonding
Click on the Bunny Bonding Guide to flip through our interactive resource or download the PDF here.
Most bunnies enjoy having a bunny friend, as long as they like the other bun. Forcing two bunnies to get along can result in injuries and trips to the emergency vet.
Buns may not always love the first bunny their parents bring home for them. Some buns may not want/need a friend now, but might get lonely when their humans are no longer home as often.
Adopting a second bunny without going through a dating/bonding process is risky because many bunnies do not get along and may never get along. Unless you can manage two separate bunnies who do not get along and take great care of both of them in your home, it's best to go through a dedicated rabbit rescue like Rabbit Advocates.
As a dedicated bunny rescue, Rabbit Advocates is able to offer support to approved adoption applicants to help coach them through the process, usually from an Adoption Counselor.
Pre-Bonded Pairs
If you think you might want to have a bonded pair and do not already have a bunny, adopt an already-bonded pair! Rabbit Advocates has bonded pairs, including sibling and parent-child pairs, available for adoption.
Ready to find a friend for your bunny or adopt a pair? Check out our Adoption FAQ and fill out an application to get the process started!
Rabbit Advocates hopes to resume "Bunny Speed Dating" events as soon as circumstances allow.