Prospective Fosters
Foster providers offer a safe, nurturing home environment for rescued bunnies so the rabbits will be ready for adoption into loving forever homes. Foster providers are essential to achieving the mission of Rabbit Advocates.
Key Responsibilities
Provide clean indoor housing, food, and fresh water daily.
Ensure foster rabbits have access to a “footprint” at least 16-20 square feet of space on one level at all times with soft flooring, plus indoor free-roaming time and enrichment activities.
Carefully monitor foster bunny progress, health, and needs.
Transport foster rabbit(s) to medical appointments. Rabbit Advocates covers the cost of veterinary treatment that is pre-approved by our Medical Coordinator.
Share updates and photos, and respond to any inquiries from other Rabbit Advocates Team Members.
Arrange for potential adopters referred by the Rabbit Advocates Adoption Team to meet rabbit(s) in accordance with the latest COVID-19 adoption protocol.
People who breed rabbits, or have abused or neglected any animal, are not eligible to foster.
What do I need to foster?
Safe, calm indoor space that is at least 16 square feet for a single bunny and at least 20 square feet for a bonded pair
Unlimited hay (Rabbit Advocates provides free hay to foster providers each month via a hay voucher program)
Pellets (given sparingly as supplemental food; Oxbow & Sherwood brands recommended)
Glass or ceramic bowl for fresh water
Large litter box
Litter (recycled, unscented, natural small pet bedding or compressed pine wood pellets)
Simple toys (toilet paper rolls, cardboard boxes, baby cups, untreated willow or apple branches)
Willingness to adopt your foster rabbit to a loving, indoor, forever home that is best-suited to the rabbit’s personality and needs
Lots of love
Apply to Become a Foster
What support does Rabbit Advocates offer foster providers?
Rabbit Advocates wants you to be a successful foster volunteer, and we understand that it takes many resources to support our foster homes. We are here to help you care for your foster rabbits and find them forever homes.
1. Rabbit Advocates Foster Mentors: All new foster homes are connected to the Foster Team, who will guide you through every step of the process and answer any questions you have.
2. Publicity to help adopters learn about your foster rabbit: Your foster rabbit will appear on the Rabbit Advocates Adoptable Rabbits web page, social media, Petfinder page, RescueGroups.org page, outreach, and be able to participate in adoption events.
3. Rabbit Advocates volunteers: Being a volunteer also makes you part of a close-knit community of people who love pet rabbits and love to help others care for them properly. From social media to events, it’s great to get connected with like-minded people who care about house rabbits.
4. Education: Rabbit Advocates provides a wide variety of educational opportunities. We all learn a lot from caring for diverse foster bunnies.
5. Starter kit of supplies: If you need loaner supplies to help you get started with fostering, ask us what is available! We receive donated supplies for foster homes. During your virtual home visit, your Foster Counselor will help get you set up with the supplies you need.
6. Hay: Rabbit Advocates provides one free 10lb box of Bunny’s Best Bites hay per foster bunny per month. Beyond hay, Rabbit Advocates foster care providers are asked to cover day-to-day needs such as pellets and litter box bedding. If you find that you are having difficulty covering these costs, let the Foster Team know and they will reach out to find a volunteer who can sponsor you!
7. Medical care: Rabbit Advocates will cover spay/neuter charges and pre-approved veterinary care authorized by the Medical Team.
Have questions about the Rabbit Advocates Foster Program? Check out our Foster FAQ!