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Current Volunteers
Mailing Address
Rabbit Advocates
PO Box 14235
Portland, OR 97293
Help! We need volunteers!
Rabbit Advocates is an all-volunteer organization and we always need new volunteers. Volunteering with Rabbit Advocates is a great way to meet people, gain experience, and help rabbits. There are many different ways that people can advance our mission of improving the welfare of domesticated rabbits in the Portland region. If you’d like to take the next step to become more involved with Rabbit Advocates, please fill out a volunteer application, and a Volunteer Team Lead will reach out to you with more information.
Questions? Trouble with signing up? Please email volunteer@rabbitadvocates.org
Volunteer Opportunities with our Teams
Foster: Provide a foster home for a rabbit, or help with supplies and transportation to vet visits
Communications: Create resource materials, assist with social media, photography, web editing, graphic design, video editing, promotions, or public relations
Education: Organize and/or participate in community outreach events, create educational materials and curriculum, and identify opportunities for rabbit advocacy
Spa: Groom bunnies, oversee check-in processes, serve as a “runner”, provide education on bunny care
Adopt: Serve as an Adoption Counselor to screen applicants and help find the right fit
Hay: Pack hay at our warehouse, become a Home Hay Seller, or help with hay transportation
Rescue: Respond to reports of “stray” or abandoned domestic rabbits, and go out on rescue missions
Events: Help set up, direct traffic, check-in bunnies, and sell merch
Fundraising: Organize resource-mobilization activities including merchandise sales, events, and volunteering at Bunnypalooza
Web/IT: Work on our website, web properties, database, and our suite of software programs