
Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

EVENT CANCELED - Community Meet Up - at Oregon Humane Society
Join us for a Rabbit Advocates Volunteer and Community Meet Up Appreciation Event with light refreshments and some rabbit education.
Come and meet us and each other. This is an informal meetup to come together as Rabbit Advocates volunteers, and for prospective volunteers to learn more about how to get involved, our goals, as well as a place to provide feedback and ideas about what will be the most useful for the community.
Rabbits fully vaccinated against RHDV2 in carriers or strollers (and who don’t get stressed by travel and people) are welcomed. If travel stresses your bunnies, please err on the side of letting them stay home.

Rabbit Advocates Valentines and St. Patrick’s Day Photo Shoot Fundraiser
Donate $75 for 6 high-resolution professionally edited photos for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, and their humans & help raise money to help bunnies!
Pre-registration is required and all rabbits must be fully vaccinated against RHDV2. No costumes please, only hats.
Come join us for a Bunny Glamour Photoshoot on Sunday, February 9 th with slots between 9am to 4pm at Alice in Bundland in Portland, Oregon.
Important details for all bunnies and guinea pigs! Have your human donate $75 to Rabbit Advocates, and you will get 4 high-resolution edited images of yourself with two different backdrops, and 2 family portraits with your humans! Don’t worry, pet costumes are not allowed at this event, only tasteful hats.
Your human will have the opportunity to decorate the backdrops for you - with options for Valentines or St. Patrick’s day (and you can even bring your own props)!
You’ll need to tell your human to get you signed up asap, as spots are very limited!

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

RHDV2 Vaccine Event 1 dose booster and dose 2 of 2 dose series (pre-registration required)
Fall 2024: Medgene Vaccine One Dose Booster and Dose One of Two-Dose Series
Important Information - Please Carefully Review Before Registering
For booster only: Saturday, November 16 OR Saturday, December 7, 2024
For two - dose series: Saturday, November 16 AND Saturday, December 7, 2024
6654 SE Crosswhite Way, Portland, OR 97206
10:00 am - 4:00 pm (pre-registration required)
For the 2-dose series: Your appointment time will be the same for both the first dose on Saturday, 11/16/ 24 and the second dose on Saturday, 12/7/24.
If you only need a one-dose booster, please use our other form to sign up for either November 16 1-dose booster only) or December 7 (1-dose booster only)
Costs: Payment for all costs associated with the Medgene series will be made at the same time using this appointment form. Bunnies who do not yet have a unique identifier (microchip, tattoo) will receive a mini-microchip at the first event in the 2-dose series.
Total Vaccine Cost for the 2-Dose Series (both doses included): $65 per rabbit
Total Vaccine Cost for the 1-Dose Booster (1 dose only): $45 per rabbit
Microchip Cost: $15 per rabbit
Key Information:
Rabbits need to be vaccinated every 9-12 months to protect against Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Type 2 (RHDV2) according to all presently-available research.
This event is for Oregon residents only.
All rabbits attending the 2-dose event will receive 2 injections of the Medgene RHDV2 vaccine administered 3 weeks apart. Dose 1 will be administered on 11/16/24. Participants will receive their vaccine certificate at the Dose 2 event on 12/7/24.
For the 2-dose series maximum protection is achieved 2 weeks after the second dose of the Medgene vaccine is administered. For the 1-dose booster, maximum protection is achieved 2 weeks after booster dose of the Medgene vaccine is administered
If your rabbit is not microchipped, microchipping will be required. For rabbits getting their 2-dose series, the chipping will occur at the first event on 11/16/24 as part of the vaccination process. This is to ensure the same rabbit gets both doses required to complete the series. You will receive information on how to register your unique mini-microchip and chip registration is free. If your rabbit is already microchipped but you do not know the number, there will be universal chip readers available at the event to check.
Rabbits that were previoulsly vaccinated with the Filavac vaccine 9-12 months prior to 11/16/24 should get 2 doses of the Medgene vaccine to be considered fully vaccinated.
Rabbits that were previously vaccinated with the Medgene 2-dose series should get the one dose Medgene vaccine every 12 months to be considered fully vaccinated.
Rabbit Advocates RHDV2 vaccine events are designed for healthy rabbits at least 7 weeks of age or older who are not pregnant and not nursing. Please do not bring sick, pregnant, and/or infant rabbits to the clinic. Rabbits who are unwell or otherwise ineligible will be turned away for the safety of all participants.
All rabbits must arrive at the clinic in pet carriers. Cardboard boxes, wire cages, baskets, plastic tubs, etc. make it difficult for volunteers to remove the rabbit for microchip scanning and vaccination.
For general questions about the vaccine, please see House Rabbit Society: Medgene RHDV2 Vaccine FAQ or visit the manufacturer's website at Medgene Labs.
For questions about the vaccine and the health of your own personal rabbit(s), please be sure to speak with your veterinarian.
Rabbit Advocates always recommends maintaining excellent biosecurity to protect against RHDV2 infection.

Online Volunteer Orientation
Interested in Volunteering With Rabbit Advocates? This is where to start. Email alex.henderson@rabbitadvocates.org to sign up for this orientation session.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

RHDV2 Vaccine Event 1 dose booster and dose 1 of 2 dose series (pre-registration required)
Fall 2024: Medgene Vaccine One Dose Booster and Dose One of Two-Dose Series
Important Information - Please Carefully Review Before Registering
For booster only: Saturday, November 16 OR Saturday, December 7, 2024
For two - dose series: Saturday, November 16 AND Saturday, December 7, 2024
6654 SE Crosswhite Way, Portland, OR 97206
10:00 am - 4:00 pm (pre-registration required)
For the 2-dose series: Your appointment time will be the same for both the first dose on Saturday, 11/16/ 24 and the second dose on Saturday, 12/7/24.
If you only need a one-dose booster, please use our other form to sign up for either November 16 1-dose booster only) or December 7 (1-dose booster only)
Costs: Payment for all costs associated with the Medgene series will be made at the same time using this appointment form. Bunnies who do not yet have a unique identifier (microchip, tattoo) will receive a mini-microchip at the first event in the 2-dose series.
Total Vaccine Cost for the 2-Dose Series (both doses included): $65 per rabbit
Total Vaccine Cost for the 1-Dose Booster (1 dose only): $45 per rabbit
Microchip Cost: $15 per rabbit
Key Information:
Rabbits need to be vaccinated every 9-12 months to protect against Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Type 2 (RHDV2) according to all presently-available research.
This event is for Oregon residents only.
All rabbits attending the 2-dose event will receive 2 injections of the Medgene RHDV2 vaccine administered 3 weeks apart. Dose 1 will be administered on 11/16/24. Participants will receive their vaccine certificate at the Dose 2 event on 12/7/24.
For the 2-dose series maximum protection is achieved 2 weeks after the second dose of the Medgene vaccine is administered. For the 1-dose booster, maximum protection is achieved 2 weeks after booster dose of the Medgene vaccine is administered
If your rabbit is not microchipped, microchipping will be required. For rabbits getting their 2-dose series, the chipping will occur at the first event on 11/16/24 as part of the vaccination process. This is to ensure the same rabbit gets both doses required to complete the series. You will receive information on how to register your unique mini-microchip and chip registration is free. If your rabbit is already microchipped but you do not know the number, there will be universal chip readers available at the event to check.
Rabbits that were previoulsly vaccinated with the Filavac vaccine 9-12 months prior to 11/16/24 should get 2 doses of the Medgene vaccine to be considered fully vaccinated.
Rabbits that were previously vaccinated with the Medgene 2-dose series should get the one dose Medgene vaccine every 12 months to be considered fully vaccinated.
Rabbit Advocates RHDV2 vaccine events are designed for healthy rabbits at least 7 weeks of age or older who are not pregnant and not nursing. Please do not bring sick, pregnant, and/or infant rabbits to the clinic. Rabbits who are unwell or otherwise ineligible will be turned away for the safety of all participants.
All rabbits must arrive at the clinic in pet carriers. Cardboard boxes, wire cages, baskets, plastic tubs, etc. make it difficult for volunteers to remove the rabbit for microchip scanning and vaccination.
For general questions about the vaccine, please see House Rabbit Society: Medgene RHDV2 Vaccine FAQ or visit the manufacturer's website at Medgene Labs.
For questions about the vaccine and the health of your own personal rabbit(s), please be sure to speak with your veterinarian.
Rabbit Advocates always recommends maintaining excellent biosecurity to protect against RHDV2 infection.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Volunteer Appreciation Event - at Oregon Humane Society
Join us for a Rabbit Advocates Volunteer Appreciation Event with fun and games, light refreshments, and some rabbit education.
Come and meet us and each other. This is an informal meetup ato say thank you to our incredible Rabbit Advocates volunteers, and for prospective volunteers to learn more about how to get involved, our goals, as well as a place to provide feedback and ideas about what will be the most useful for the community.
Rabbits fully vaccinated against RHDV2 in carriers or strollers (and who don’t get stressed by travel and people) are welcomed. If travel stresses your bunnies, please err on the side of letting them stay home.

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Rabbit Advocates Fall & Winter Photo Shoot Fundraiser
Donate $75 for 6 high-resolution professionally edited photos for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, and their humans & help raise money to help bunnies!
Pre-registration is required and all rabbits must be fully vaccinated against RHDV2. No costumes please, only hats.
Come join us for a Fall & Winter Photoshoot on Saturday, October 26th with slots between 9am to 4pm at Alice in Bundland in Portland, Oregon.
Important details for all bunnies and guinea pigs! Have your human donate $75 to Rabbit Advocates, and you will get 4 high-resolution edited images of yourself with two different backdrops, and 2 family portraits with your humans! Don’t worry, pet costumes are not allowed at this event, only tasteful hats.
Your human will have the opportunity to decorate the backdrops for you - from either spooky or fall, to holiday or winter (and you can even bring your own props)!
You’ll need to tell your human to get you signed up asap, as spots are very limited!

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Community Meeting - at Oregon Humane Society
Join us for a Rabbit Advocates Community Meeting with fun and games, light refreshments, and some rabbit education.
Come and meet us and each other. This is an informal meetup and open discussion where you can learn more about Rabbit Advocates, how to get involved, our goals, as well as a place to provide feedback and ideas about what will be the most useful for the community.
Rabbits fully vaccinated against RHDV2 in carriers or strollers (and who don’t get stressed by travel and people) are welcomed. If travel stresses your bunnies, please err on the side of letting them stay home.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Montavilla
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Sellwood
Schedule your bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.

Bunny Spa Day - Tigard
Schedule your vaccinated bunny for a much-needed spa treatment and let them luxuriate in the experienced hands of our Bunny Spa Day volunteers. Rabbit Advocates will provide low-cost "pawdicures" (nail trims) "hare styling" (grooming), and scent gland cleaning for your very special bun. Plus, lots of friendly and knowledgeable advice on how to keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.